Friday, November 2, 2007

Confirmed: I Missed Jury Duty

A while back I noted that I may have missed jury duty, but thought that I was in the clear.

I was wrong.

Today I received a letter from the city/county informing me that I had ten days to contact them with my reason for missing. Amazingly, I managed to not procrastinate on this at all, and called them up today. Honesty being the best policy, I informed them that I forgot to check on my day. The clerk didn't seem to care. Now I have to go in on November 13th to make it up. It should be fun - and I know I'll be there because I can't afford to miss it (money-wise or jail-wise).


Anonymous said...

oh, come on. who can't find a couple of free days for some jail time? it's like a free vacation.

Anonymous said...

oh, come on. who can't find a couple of free days for some jail time? it's like a free vacation.