Tuesday, October 16, 2007

On The Road To A Dyson Sphere?

The Pentagon's National Security Space Office suggested in a recent report that collecting solar energy in space and then beaming it back to Earth could be an effective solution to our foreign energy dependence (To learn more read this article, and read the report here). While the report was focused more on security issues and military applications, I think this suggests an important step for humanity. If science fiction writers and futurologists are worth anything, this could be our first move towards a Dyson Sphere. A Dyson Sphere is basically a megastructure that surrounds a star, capturing all of its energy output. Its creator, Freeman Dyson, believed that these spheres would be a natural long-term step in the survival of a technologically advanced species. And, while this sort of technology is clearly a long way off, I think it is significant that we are seriously beginning to consider going into space to collect energy.

I guess before we even consider building a Dyson Sphere, we ought to get that Space Elevator up and running. And, that should be easy, right?

UPDATE: I've been meaning to post something about MIT's recent "wireless electricity" news, and just haven't gotten around to it. This seems like an appropriate a place as any to drop something in. Of course, for it to work with a Dyson Sphere, the "WiTricity" would have to be able to transmit through the vacuum of space, which I'm sure presents its own difficulties. But, it's either that, a super-long extension cord, or giant batteries.


Anonymous said...

dammit, why am i not smarter. i thought of how great wireless power would be a couple of years ago. however, i didn't follow up the thought because dave told me that even if you could, it would simply be too dangerous. damnit, why isn't dave smarter

The Jamboree said...

Yeah, that certainly is disappointing. Though, pretty much every day I wish I was smarter than I am.

Maybe now would be a good time to take stock of all the great ideas you've had, and start moving on those that are still untouched by the world at large.